Compute the coefficients \(\alpha_1,\ldots\alpha_3\) that fit the quadratic model \[
q(t) = \alpha_1 + \alpha_2 t + \alpha_3 t^2
\] to the detrended data (see the last plot of that example) in the least-squares sense.
Provide a plot of the detrended data and overlay the fitted function \(q(t)\).
P2. Iterative regularization
Infrastructure code
usingLinearAlgebra, FFTW, Plots, Random# Generate a signal using 4 random elements from the DCT basis.functionsignal(n=200, k=4, ϵ=0.1)Random.seed!(19) x =zeros(n) p =randperm(n)[1:k] x[p] .=rand(k) noise =ϵ*randn(n) s = FFTW.dct(x) # true signal b = s + noise # noisy signalreturn s, bend# Create an n-dimensional explicit Discrete Cosine Transform matrix.functionDCT(n::Integer) D =zeros(n, n)for i in1:ne=zeros(n); e[i] =1 D[:,i] = FFTW.dct(e)endreturn Dend;
You observe the following noisy 1-D signal, which is stored in the vector \(b\). The true (and “unknown”) signal \(s\) is displayed in blue. (This is a contrived example — in practice, we would not know the true signal.)
s, b =signal()plot([s b], w = [21], label=["true signal `s`""observed noisy signal `b`"])
P2(a) Least-squares solution
Obtain a guess of the underlying signal \(s\) by solving a linear least-squares problem with the DCT matrix \(D\) as the basis. Plot the recovered signal \(\bar s\) on top of the true signal \(s^\natural\). How well does the least-squares solution recover the true signal?
P2(b) Iterative regularization
Now suppose that we have knowledge that the signal \(s^\natural\) (i.e., the signal without noise) is very uniform, and is in fact the superposition of a few sinusoidal-like elements, such as are contained in the columns of the Discrete Cosine Transform. Here are the first five columns of the DCT matrix:
D =DCT(length(b))plot(D[:, 1:5], xlims=(2, length(b)), leg=false)
The first five columns of the DCT matrix
The question, then, is how to choose the right columns of \(D\) in order to obtain a good guess of the underlying signal? In other words, is there a sparse vector \(x\) (i.e., one with just a few nonzeros) such that \[
Dx \approx s?
\] Equivalently, are there a few columns of \(D\) whose span includes the true signal \(s\)?
We’ll try to solve this problem by building up a solution \(x\) element by element. We do this by solving a sequence of least-squares problems of increasing column dimension. The procedure begins with a trivial solution \(x_0 = 0\), associated residual \(r_0 = b\), and an empty set of columns \(S_0 = [\ ]\). At each iteration \(k>1\) of the procedure, we do the following:
Find the column of \(D\) that is most correlated with the current residual \(r_k\), i.e., find the index \(j_0\) of the column \(s_k := D[:, j_k]\) that maximizes \[
\max_j\ |s_k^T r_k|.
Stop if the correlation is small, i.e., if \(|s_k^T r_k| < \tau\) for some threshold \(\tau\).
Append that column to the current set of columns to obtain \(S_{k} = [\, \text{new col} \mid S_{k-1}\,]\).
Obtain the next coefficient approximation \(x_{k+1}\) and corresponding residual \(r_{k+1}\) as the solution of the least-squares problem \[
x_{k+1} := \arg\min_x\ \tfrac12\|S_k x - b\|^2.
Implement this procedure and plot the recovered signal \(\hat s\) overlayed on the true signal \(s^\natural\). How well does the iterative regularization procedure recover the true signal? How many iterations are required to obtain a good approximation?
P3. Underdetermined systems
Show how to use the QR factorization to solve a full-rank underdetermined system \(Ax=b\) (i.e., \(A\) is \(m\times n\) with \(m<n\) and \(\mathrm{rank}(A)=m\)). Give an explicit procedure for solving this system using the QR factors. Your procedure must only use matrix-vector products and triangular solves. (Hint: consider using the thin QR factorization of \(A\T\).)
Demonstrate that your method works on a random \(2\times 3\) system. These functions may be useful:
A =randn(m, n) # Gaussian random matrixx =randn(n) # and vector
P4. (Beck 3.1) Tikhonov regularization
Fix the matrices \(A\in\R^{m\times n}\) and \(L\in\R^{n\times n}\). Consider the regularized least-squares problem \[
\min_x\ \|Ax-b\|^2 + \|Lx\|^2.
\] Show that this problem has a unique solution if and only if \(\Null(A)\cap\Null(L) = \{0\}\).
P5. SVD and least-squares
The Longley dataset is a macroenomic dataset used extensively to evaluate the accuracy of least-squares methods. It comprises 16 observations of 7 economic variables recorded over the years 1947–1962.
Extract predictor variables and add an intercept column, and extract the right-hand side:
A =hcat(ones(size(longley, 1)), longley[:, Not(:Employed, :Year_1)])|>Matrixb = longley.Employed |>Vector
Try to solve the least-squares problem using the QR decomposition. You’ll see that it will fail because the matrix \(A\) is rank-deficient.
Solve the least-squares problem using the SVD. You should remove any singular values that are below a certain threshold. A typical approach is to remove any singular value \[
\sigma_i < \varepsilon \max_{ij}A_{ij},
\] where \(\varepsilon\) is machine precision (e.g., eps() in Julia).
In both parts (a) and (b), verify that the solution is indeed a least-squares solution by checking that the optimality condition \[\|A^T r\| < \varepsilon\|b\|
\] is satisfied, where \(r = b - Ax\) is the residual. Good practice is to make consider a relative tolerance, say,
\|A^T r\| < 10^{-8}\max(1,\|b\|).
P6. Singular values (Reichel)
Define the matrix \(A\) with entries \[
a_{ij} = \sqrt{1-x_i^2 - y_j^2}, \quad x_i = y_i = -0.7+\Delta(i-1),\ \Delta=10^{-3}
\] where \(i,j=1,2,\ldots,1401\).
Plot the matrix \(A\) in 3D.
Plot the first 50 singular values of \(A\).
Plot the error matrix \(|A - A_k|\) (interpreted componentwise) where \(A_k\) is the best rank-\(k\) approximation to \(A\). Choose \(k\) to be the index of the largest singular value below \(10^{-10}\). You may try a surface or contour plot.