Citing SPGL1
The description and theory of the SPGL1 algorithm is outlined in the paper
- E. van den Berg and M. P. Friedlander, Probing the Pareto frontier for basis pursuit solutions, SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, 31(2):890-912, November 2008.
When referencing SPGL1, please cite the following two references:
@misc{spgl1site, author = {E. van den Berg and M. P. Friedlander}, title = {{SPGL1}: A solver for large-scale sparse reconstruction}, note = {}, month = {December}, year = 2019 }
@article{BergFriedlander:2008, Author = {E. van den Berg and M. P. Friedlander}, Title = {Probing the Pareto frontier for basis pursuit solutions}, year = {2008}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, volume = {31}, number = {2}, pages = {890-912}, url = {}, doi = {10.1137/080714488} }